½ Can of condensed milk
100 ml of soda water
1/3 cup of butter
1 tablespoon of powdered sugar
1 1/4 pressed cups of all purpose flour
3/4 table spoon level of baking soda
3/4 table spoon of baking powder
2 table spoons of vanilla extract
Small baking dish
Method of Preparation
First Preheat the oven at 300 degrees before starting mixing . Take Maida(all-purpose-floor), with baking soda and baking powder and sift them . keep aside this mixture.
In a big bowl add butter and sugar and mix well together .Then add condensed milk and beat well for 5min continuously. Add soda water and beat well. Add vanilla extract and mix well till you feel that it has been puffed up . Add maida mix gradually and mix it in single direction. While mixing we must be very careful so that it will not create any lumps. Put a timer and mix it exactly for 3-4min in only one direction. Do not change the direction. Grease the baking dish with butter and put all purpose floor in it. Dust it properly and then pour the batter into the dish and bake it at 200 degrees for 5-7 min and then bake it at 150 degree for 35-40min. when done then remove it and keep it outside at room temparature. Do not try to remove the cake before it cools down.
Cream cheese 1 pack
2 sticks of butter
1 box of confectionary sugar
1 table spoon of Vanilla Extract
Take both of above and keep it in room temperature one night before you plan to do. Add Confectionary sugar to it. Then add 1 table spoon of Vanilla extract to it. After the cake is cooled, add the icing around it and over it smoothly. Dip the knife in hot water and then apply icing.
Note: If you have a cake baking dish from walmart(or any other store) then you dont need apply butter and dust it with all purpose floor as mentioned above.
Preparation Time: 1 hour
Category: Dessert (Sweets)
eggless cake I love it. But I have one question where can i get soda water.
hello u get soda water in shops DUH!
You get Soda water in any of the grocery or american stores. You can get it at Safeway, Walmart and many more to mention.
Hey... when it says "150 degrees" does it mean Celsius??
is this degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit??
ok!!! is confectionary sugar... like regular sugar!? whats it mean by a BOX!!??! i'm SO confused!
hi , I tried this eggless cake recipe of yours and it was so good that we finished the cake in 5 mins was really spongy and delicious to eat.
I was looking for such recipes. You have so many unusual unique recipes to suit the needs of different people. Thank you verry much.
I will try some recipes and post more comments
Is the temperatures listed in Celsius or Farenheit? and is the flour self raising flour?...These questions were not answered before so please let us know so that we can try this recipe.
The flour can be self rising. But is does not need to be exactly that. I used plain Maida I believe.
Temperature on oven is fareinheit I believe. I just used the regular oven under the stove and never noticed it. Please try it in fareinheit.
COnfectioner sugar is just regular powder sugar grinded again in mixer. We can get the confectioner sugar from stores also in bakery aisle.
Thank you Geetha and Rupali for the comments.
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